How to Choose the Right Web Development Platform for Your Australian Business

UNILAWOn Sun, Sep 08, 2024. 6 Min Read
How to Choose the Right Web Development Platform for Your Australian Business

Want to establish your business in the digital world and struggling with web developers sydney? If yes, then don't worry. Here, you will get detailed information about choosing the right web development platform for your business. A good platform helps you achieve business goals, implement a long-term vision, and adapt to the latest tech & trends. Today, several development platforms are available, including no-code development platforms, allowing businesses to create highly appealing websites without any knowledge of coding or technical concepts. So, the competition is heavy, leading to confusion. Today, we will discuss some leading web development platforms helping you take your business online perfectly. Let's get into it.

What is a Web Development platform?

Before exploring web developers near me, it's important to understand a web development platform. There are different web development platforms and frameworks, and every platform is different. So, it's important to understand the platform, its specifications, tech stack, and other factors. Don't mess with frameworks or platforms with programming languages. Both are different. A platform or framework reduces development work by offering pre-created modules, functions, and code. Developers have to customize and use them accordingly. As mentioned, some platforms offer low or no code development where one can develop websites using page builders, themes, and plugins. Some popular web development platforms are shopify, wordpress, webflow, wix, drupal,magento, etc.

Factors To Consider While Choosing The Web Development Platform

If you are actively exploring web development Sydney Australia, knowing only about the platform is not sufficient. It will result in complex issues during and after the development. Every platform has its strengths and weaknesses. You must know some factors based on which you can evaluate the platform and choose the most optimum for your requirements & expectations. Here are key factors everyone must consider while choosing a web development platform.


Don't waste your energy searching for web design companies in Brisbane, if you don't know the website development's purpose or objective. Simply put, you should know why you are developing a website. This will help you understand the type of website. For example, if you want to sell some products, you need an e-commerce store. On the other hand, a landing page website is good if you are a corporate agency or IT service provider. Similarly, you can create informational blogs and media websites to gain huge traffic. This is critical when choosing the right platform. Yes, for instance, Wordpress is a good fit for blog and media websites, while Webflow is an amazing choice for landing pages and corporate websites. Lastly, Shopify and Magento are perfect for E-commerce websites.

Tech Stack

The first and most important factor is the tech stack associated with the platform. The tech stack consists of the tools, programming languages, and software used in the development. For example, Wordpress uses PHP, while Webflow mainly uses Javascript. Similarly, Shopify uses Liquid, Python, and others. The tech stack is very important because when you hire a website development company Sydney, you must be able to give them information about the tech stack. However, leading companies like Unilaw Technologies are familiar with all major tech stacks & platforms. Without knowing the tech stack, it will be difficult for developers to create a successful website. Similarly, the admin will also face trouble while handling the website and publishing content.

Ease Of Use

A website is not limited to the core development. Its user interface and the back end must be user-friendly to ensure convenience. Many platforms can be maintained and handled by anyone irrespective of their technical knowledge. Moreover, understanding the functionalities and features should also be easy. Platforms like Shopify, Wordpress, and Wix are one of the easiest platforms that are not only easy to develop but also can be handled by someone with no technical knowledge. Eventually, the user-friendliness and convenience of a platform will also result in the quick adaptation of new features, upgrades, etc.


Scalability is the fundamental factor one can't ignore. It is also one of the most lucrative features of a technical platform. It defines the true capabilities of a platform. Digital presence allows businesses to grow and expand quickly, so continuous scaling is required. You can't bear the consequences of website failure or collapse due to heavy traffic or load. Moreover, you must add new features and functionalities to attract a new audience. To achieve all this, you need a highly scalable platform. A scalable platform always provides unexpected benefits in the long run. Notably, scaling up should always be quick, easy, and unimpactful to existing systems.

Customizations & Third Party Integrations

Yes, this is crucial to make an ever-growing and stable website for the long term. The tech industry and customer demands change rapidly. Similarly, the market is always volatile. In such cases, your websites must incorporate market trends and offer advanced features, functionalities, and services to the customer. For all this, you need a highly customizable and flexible platform with easy integrations with third-party apps & software. By integrating several third-party tools, software, and platforms, you can always provide something better & unique to customers. Shopify and Wordpress are some of the most customizable & flexible platforms with unlimited third-party app support. However, custom development platforms like Magento and Django offer more freedom and limitless customization.

Development Cost

Cost can be the deciding factor when choosing web development platforms. It will also help you close an affordable deal with web development company Sydney. Before discussing anything, remember that web development will require money because you will always have to pay for domain, hosting, development, and maintenance, irrespective of the platform. Platforms, such as Webflow and Drupal, are costly, whereas platforms like Wordpress and Shopify are affordable. On the other hand, custom or core development platforms like Magento and Django are open source and don't require any direct fees, but you have to spend a lot on development, hosting, and maintenance.


Website development is the beginning of a new business or the growth of an existing one. So, it is important to take extensive care of every aspect. Website development platforms ensure the success and growth of a business in its never-ending digital journey. Therefore, avoid precocity while looking at web developers sydney. Before all this, learn about different platforms in detail and remember the above factors while choosing the platform. After that, you will be ready to select the website development company. It is always adviced to choose trusted, experienced, and up-to-date companies like Unilaw Technologies. You will always get modern, secure, and highly optimized websites from such companies. Go for a consultation and quick demo now.


Which platforms or frameworks are you experienced with?

We are experienced in all major tech stacks, platforms, and frameworks.

Do you offer hosting and domain services?

Yes, we offer domain and hosting services to ensure your website goes live smoothly.

Are your websites SEO optimized?

Yes, this is very important. Thus, we maintain SEO optimization since the start of the project.

Do you offer after-sales support?

We offer premium support to all our clients and take full responsibility in case of any failure.